These protocols are applicable to any instance in which a student is contagious with a viral or bacterial infection, such as influenza, strep, mononucleosis, or COVID-19.
Masks are not required on Drake’s campus. Individuals who choose to wear a mask based on their own circumstances are encouraged and supported to do so. Free masks are available at the Student Service desk (Olmsted Center) during business hours and as supplies are available.
The Broadlawns Community Clinic at Drake, located at 2970 University Avenue, provides student testing for influenza, strep, mononucleosis, and COVID-19. To schedule an appointment to be seen and tested at Broadlawns Community Clinic at Drake, please call 515-216-5100.
Students are encouraged to mask up in the dining hall and use disposable gloves when serving themselves. Drake Dining offers to-go containers at a one-time expense of $5.00 that is fully refundable up return of the to-go container.
If a surge in cases occurs, a communication will be sent to campus explaining the circumstances and sharing modifications, if any, to these protocols.
Infectious students cannot attend in-person classes and must contact their instructors to coordinate making up any missed material. If a student is unable to communicate with instructors for any reason, they must contact the Dean of Students Office at
Things to have readily available in a residence hall room or off-campus housing: